I find it very interesting... and perhaps very disturbing/troubling... that even though the story of Cinderella can be traced as far back as 1bc... it could have very easily been written in 2011. Snow White was written in 1937... and it too... could have been written in 2011. Cinderella was a myth, of sorts, written for the element of unjust oppression and triumph over the oppression. Do you hear that??? Unjust oppression!!!!! REALLY????? Unjust oppression! Isn't that what the suffergates and women's libbers have been screaming about for absolutely ever???
I am not a "woman's libber"... in the sense in which it was created. I am, however, an advocate of women. We are able to vote and for the most part... our salaries are equal to men (except in some areas). I am grateful for these major accomplishments... but, yet...we are still not "free". We are still oppressed. I feel... more now than ever. And... ladies... it's not the men causing this. We are doing it to ourselves and to each other. If the women's movement had begun with a strong foundation... and with God as the focus... we would not be in the same place as we obviously were in 1 BC. It seems to me... if we would celebrate each other's successes, accept each other for all our faults, support each other when we are down and out, be each other's sister and unconditional friend... we would experience the freedom we fight for each and every day... and the happiness we so richly deserve. I will, of course, explore this in later blogs. As my mom says, "not to worry"! I just love that!!
There is a correlation between Cinderella, Snow White and God. He needs us to keep the balance of the world, to witness to others, and carry out the emotional and nurturing part of His word. Clearly, that is lacking in both stories. Both Cinderella and Snow White mirror exactly what we are focused on instead of God... even as far back as 1 BC. We are the wicked step sisters and the evil step mother. Ouch! That is hard to not only to type... but internalize the concept. We squelch the kind and gentle spirit of "Cinderella and Snow White". I include all women in this... because we are all guilty from time to time... if not all the time. We are still so involved in the outer beauty, comparing our beauty to others, and condemning other women if they don't measure up. We would rather "trample" on another female to keep her from succeeding than emotionally support her as she spreads her wings and takes a risk. We are so involved in the earthly things... including finding a handsome mate because maybe that will make us happy. Not to mention that there is so much pressure from society to be in a relationship. Society... by the way... is defined as "all women". We are so involved in what really doesn't matter... that we can't, won't and haven't been carrying out God's will for us. We haven't been listening to what He has been trying to tell us.
Everywhere Christianity has gone, the status of women has improved. What a novel idea!! Women's faith and prayers are vital to the growth of the church and our nation.
"You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that come from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. 1Peter 3:4
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