Wednesday, November 9, 2011

From God to Fairy Tales

From God to fairy tales? Really? My first blog is the foundation for the journey I am discovering! That means...God is my foundation. I will bring this back to God... And how the puzzle pieces fit together.

Fairy tales have been my nightmare for the greater part of my it is only fitting that I tackle them head on! I did not read a single one to my daughter as she grew up! Why? Because I wanted her to be grounded in the for real life..not filled with the view of life that fairy tales tend to lend themselves to. If only I knew then...what I know now! Of life would not be what it is today if I did! Duh!

We have our Cinderella and Snow white! Ahhh! The fantasy of it all! On closer inspection...not quite a fantasy...but, real life! Huh? Gather around and hear me out! Fascinating stuff! Both have the beautiful princess, an ugly queen, and a handsome prince! Sound like real life yet? No? Okay... So...the queen and ugly step sisters are not physically pretty because their heart and souls are not pretty. All are selfish, self-centered, very focused on me, me, me! They all feel they deserve the best in life and want it NOW! These characteristics of a God-less soul...shows up in the physical self. No one wants to be around a negative, out to sabbatoge, and get what you want at any cost type of person.

Are you with me? Cinderella and Snow White are patient, giving, kind... to even the smallest creatures and grumpiest of people, thinks of others long before themselves, and never once say "Woe is me! Poor me"! They both work hard...with a song in their heart. They are thankful for everything they have... even if it's not anything more than a broom and rags! Neither are aware of their glow or their influence just by being themselves. All of these characteristics ARE the spirit of our Lord! Cinderella and Snow White have taken care of their heart and soul, filled them with the fruits from God...which ultimately shows up in the physical self...their glow. Their heart and soul gives them the confidence to hold their head high through all of their circumstances. No matter how tough their journey may be. a strong part of their beauty. Every creature and person wants to be enveloped in the circle of their glow! 

My next blog will deal with the prince and the essence of the fairy tale. For now...absorb and internalize the differences between the queen, step-sisters, and the two princesses. Concentrate on all of their hearts and souls...and realize that what is on the inside is, in fact, on the outside. So... Until next time....don't forget...

"You are the World's light-a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father". Matthew 5: 14-16

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