And... so... I've stepped away from my blog to observe and continue to ponder the question of why women can't join hands together in sincere friendship. I have no answers... but, wish with all of my might that girls and women could learn to be friends... to love each other and accept each other unconditionally. The power we would gain from this... is mind boggling. By power, remember, I mean... the power to change the world.
If we women would look at the man's world for just a mome. Men are not emotional beings, persay... but, yet, they are capable of deep friendships with one another. They accept each other at face value and unconditionally. I don't believe I have ever heard a man say "he is so fat" or "he really needs a face lift" or "did he look in the mirror before he left home"! Nor have I ever heard another man put down a man's decision to become a stay at home dad, or another man's opinion, or another man's bank account. Men are capable of just accepting men for who they are. If... for some reason they can't... I guarantee that there is a female behind the collapse of that friendship.
In the same breath... I have heard men put women down for gaining weight or looking old or for her opinions. Why could that possibly be? Why do men bond together as one gender... and turn and put down the other gender? Women are the opposites... we put our own gender down and turn our backs on each other and then... accept what men say about us. Hummmmm!!! This is just not acceptable to me. But, yet... by turning our backs on each other, putting each other down, not celebrating each other's successes and by not accepting each other unconditionally... we give men the permission to continue to silence us, to put us down, and to treat us no better than second rate citizens. We are so much better than that. We were designed to bring harmony to a world that is unsettled. But, until we find harmony within our own gender... we will never bring harmony to our families, to our communities, to our churches, and most definitely... not to our world.
Example... if women of all races, colors, and creeds... and bank accounts... would have gathered together and celebrated Lizzie Jennings in 1854, Irene Morgan in 1946 and Rosa Parks in 1955... civil rights could have... and would have ended in 1854!!! From 1854 to 1955? REALLY??? And do you see... one female in 1854, 1946, and I do believe there were actually 3 in 1955!! That was one female... with a dream... a need to make the world a better place. To eliminate the injustice. Take a mome... and imagine... if females would have put their voices with the one voice... how very, very powerful it would have been. We do have a voice... and we want to be heard. Only... it's because we don't celebrate each other's voice and join it that we are silenced. We allow men to squelch our voice... because there is no other woman to support what we have to say. Why is that? Why is this so hard for us to do???
I, for one... believe ALL women are FABULOUS!!! We are unique, complicated... and have this undeniable heart that can put to rest all of the world's unrest. If we would celebrate one another unconditionally... we just may find ourselves with a woman as President. After all, we can multi-task, solve problems, we have a backbone and can stand firm in our convictions, we do have the ability to listen when we aren't self-involved, we can be feminine... and as strong as steel. It's our time, ladies... but, we have work to do within our own gender. We need to turn to the Bible and hear what God is asking of us. Don't get wrapped up in the Adam and Eve story... as the devil worked through Eve. But... God won because Mary bore His Son. Focus on that story... as that is the heart of what God is asking of us. Celebrate each other... remember the fruits of the spirit... and nurture those fruits. Our hearts... are fabulous!
"I may not be perfect, you should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." 1Peter 3:4
This blog is about life, people, and relationships. What is fundamental in our lives... the foundation that builds happiness.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Chapter 2: The Oppressed and the Fruits of the Spirit
I have often wondered why women of all color, sizes, shapes and walks of life don't join in unity... to bring this world back to God, to end child abuse, to end war, to end crime, to end the immense unhappiness that surrounds us. After all, we are the emotional glue that is supposed to keep our families together, to calm the storm within the hearts of our children... to just understand. Men and women are so very different... and God made us that way by design. He made women to be the emotional strength and to bring to light the emotion within the Holy Spirit. After a life of observing human nature... I understand that women don't join together in unity... because we are actually at war with our own gender. We are not at war with men... as the women libbers have convinced us that we are. We have equal pay... but, we are still so very oppressed.
Women... girls... females... have no voice. We are invisible. Why is that?? Because... there is another woman telling us that we are wrong every time we open our mouth, or "one upping" us, or making us feel we aren't good enough or the conversation becomes "me, me, me"... just to make her own self feel better. We do not allow females to grow, flourish, or lead... because we become jealous. We are so very critical of one another. No matter what the subject is... too skinny, too fat, too many wrinkles, not enough, staying at home to raise your children, to work in the workplace and put your children in childcare, too much money, not enough money, blond hair, black hair and the list goes on and on. If we were really honest with our self... we do not love and accept our own selves... so, how can we love and accept another? How can we "love" outside our circle? "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control: and here there is no conflict with the law". Galatians 5: 22-23. The greatest of all of these gifts is... love. To honestly love someone... you must first know God. God is love. We have to really know and accept God... to fully understand how He intends us to love.
"Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always stand your ground in defending him". I Corinthians 13: 4-7 In today's world... we women are jealous, envious, we boast, we are haughty, selfish and rude. We demand our own way, we are irritable, we hold grudges and judge others, we talk about injustices... but, do nothing about them, we are not loyal to one another, we do not believe in each other and we certainly don't want one of our sisters to do better than us... and we most certainly do not defend our sisters... but, hang her out to dry every single time. These are some tough words and thoughts... but... they are true.
Think about the power (and by this... I do not mean overtake men) we women would have... if no matter the color of our skin, size, shape, or walk in life...if we would accept our own self... and each other, join hands and never let go, bow our heads in prayer and pray for the fruits of the spirit for each one of us!!! Imagine how the world would begin to look!!! Imagine... no war! Imagine... all children held safely!! Imagine... no hunger!! Imagine... a world... in peace... because God would be at the very center of the circle women joined together and made!! Unrealistic... I don't think so! A change is needed... all around the world! God is trying to get our attention... so, why not begin with those that are the emotional glue? One woman at a time! Why don't we quit competing with each other... and just celebrate each other! We all have our own strengths and gifts... and joined together in celebration... AMAZING!!
I may not be perfect... but, Jesus thinks I'm too die for! Internalize this thought... it's powerful. Learn to love... and join hands! We will make a better world.
Women... girls... females... have no voice. We are invisible. Why is that?? Because... there is another woman telling us that we are wrong every time we open our mouth, or "one upping" us, or making us feel we aren't good enough or the conversation becomes "me, me, me"... just to make her own self feel better. We do not allow females to grow, flourish, or lead... because we become jealous. We are so very critical of one another. No matter what the subject is... too skinny, too fat, too many wrinkles, not enough, staying at home to raise your children, to work in the workplace and put your children in childcare, too much money, not enough money, blond hair, black hair and the list goes on and on. If we were really honest with our self... we do not love and accept our own selves... so, how can we love and accept another? How can we "love" outside our circle? "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control: and here there is no conflict with the law". Galatians 5: 22-23. The greatest of all of these gifts is... love. To honestly love someone... you must first know God. God is love. We have to really know and accept God... to fully understand how He intends us to love.
"Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always stand your ground in defending him". I Corinthians 13: 4-7 In today's world... we women are jealous, envious, we boast, we are haughty, selfish and rude. We demand our own way, we are irritable, we hold grudges and judge others, we talk about injustices... but, do nothing about them, we are not loyal to one another, we do not believe in each other and we certainly don't want one of our sisters to do better than us... and we most certainly do not defend our sisters... but, hang her out to dry every single time. These are some tough words and thoughts... but... they are true.
Think about the power (and by this... I do not mean overtake men) we women would have... if no matter the color of our skin, size, shape, or walk in life...if we would accept our own self... and each other, join hands and never let go, bow our heads in prayer and pray for the fruits of the spirit for each one of us!!! Imagine how the world would begin to look!!! Imagine... no war! Imagine... all children held safely!! Imagine... no hunger!! Imagine... a world... in peace... because God would be at the very center of the circle women joined together and made!! Unrealistic... I don't think so! A change is needed... all around the world! God is trying to get our attention... so, why not begin with those that are the emotional glue? One woman at a time! Why don't we quit competing with each other... and just celebrate each other! We all have our own strengths and gifts... and joined together in celebration... AMAZING!!
I may not be perfect... but, Jesus thinks I'm too die for! Internalize this thought... it's powerful. Learn to love... and join hands! We will make a better world.
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